Writing with Sound


These are brief descriptions of the main assignments for the semester. More detailed descriptions for various assignments will be posted to the syllabus as the semester progresses.

Reading Responses (20%)

Written responses to required readings (300-500 words). Responses will be opportunities to critically and creatively engage course readings and case studies as well as provide the starting point for much our class discussion. In the short number of words, you won't be expected to account for everything. Write about what stands out as interesting, new, potentially useful, or, on the other hand, unclear. Responses should be typed and singled-spaced. They will be counted as a participation grade along with attendance and other brief assignments.

Podcast Analysis (20%)

After identifying/subscribing to a podcast and listening to a number of episodes, students will script and compose a 3-5 minute analysis of the podcast series that examines the themes, genres, online distribution, and technical dimensions to the serial program.

Podcast Series (60%)

This final assignment will include a short proposal, three podcast episodes of 3-5 minutes, and a brief prospectus that outlines a digital distribution plan. Of your three podcasts, one will include an interview, one will include a sonic remix of digital sounds, and one will include an on-site field recording.